Shared Wisdom – The Magic of the Moment

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Bobbi Emel from The Bounce Blog

The next message is always right where you are. ~ Ram Dass

First, a story . . .

I was sitting on the patio at Starbuck’s the other day passing time before I met a friend for lunch. I had a book with me and was trying to read it but, to tell the truth, my mood was down and I felt distracted from reading by my inner melancholy. Having lived with depression for a long time, my mind resorted to its gamut of self-recriminations: “You More

Are You Willing to Toot Your Own Horn?

Why is it so hard to step into our own power? Why do so many of us have such a hard time claiming our talents and shouting them from the rooftops? We have no problem tooting our loved ones’ horns, yet when it comes to tooting our own, we suddenly become mute.

On what page in the “How to be human” manual does it mention that we need to play small, minimize our accomplishments, cover up our talents, and always be our own biggest critic? I can’t remember reading that part, can you? But we More

You Be You. And I’ll Be Me.

I’m never going to be like you.

I could try and try with every ounce of my being, but I still would be a lesser version of you than you already are. I could put all of my focus into acting like you, talking like you, writing like you, being like you – and you would still be better at being you than I ever could.

I know that this seems like a silly thing to say because it seems sort of obvious, but I still think it needs to be said. So many of us spend more hours than we probably care More

Shared Wisdom – Pushing the River

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Slade Roberson from Shift Your Spirits

Are you struggling to make something happen?

Are you torturing your consciousness for a sense of the right direction, begging the Universe for assistance with a difficult decision?

Are you interrogating your guides, trying with all your might to listen to your heart, but hearing no clear answers?

You know that trying too hard only makes it worse, so you beat yourself up about that too… Spinning your wheels in a Purgatory More

What Would You Say to the World?

If you were standing on a podium in front of the entire world, what would you say?

What wisdom would you offer?
What heartfelt story would you share?
What piece of yourself would you give?
And how would you hope it would make a difference?

I recently asked this question on Soul Speak’s Facebook page and received some beautiful answers. It’s such a powerful question that really makes us think about what we see as important in life. More

Are You Ready to Say Yes to Change?

A beautiful book and an interview! Keep reading for details!

I write a lot about change. As many of you know, I’ve been going through a huge transition in my life over the past year. I took a leap of faith to focus my attention on writing rather than running my gift business. And what I have found throughout this journey is that when we take that leap and move closer to our dreams, our lives open up.

That doesn’t mean that it’s been an easy transition. All sorts of hidden beliefs More

The Worst Day of the Year?

I have been dreading this day. Silently, in the back of my mind I have been worrying about it and planning around it and secretly wishing I could skip right over it.

From an outsider’s perspective, this day would seem like any other. Looking around, things appear to be pretty great – I am home with my amazing husband and sweet furry kids. I am writing. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. And yet, I have a dark cloud hovering over all of these wonderful parts of my life.

You know More

Shared Wisdom – Find Your Answers Inside

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Ilchi Lee

As a rule, many trees around a mountain make it good for meditation. In Fay Canyon (in Sedona, Arizona), there are many trees emanating a sacred energy. In a canyon like this, I shed the thought that I am looking at the trees and think instead that the trees are seeing me. Focus not only on yourself, but on the trees. When you’re talking to another person, if you’re filled with your own thoughts, what your counterpart is saying will not even register. More

Ready for a ReAwakening?

I’ve been feeling extra stressed lately. Have you been feeling it, too? It’s the kind of stress where life seems to be spinning faster than I can keep up with – the kind where I start to feel like I’m spinning, too. The kind where I feel my heart beating harder and my head aching more. Where my body is tense and my mind is having trouble keeping it all straight. Where my to-do list has gone from being a one-page list to an entire notebook.

Right in the midst of all of this More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

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