We never know what life is going to bring us. And while we may try to map out our day, our year, our entire life – we know that all of these plans will get thrown up into the air when life decides to take over.

We resist this powerlessness – we stubbornly continue to plan, hold tight to our schedules, and aren’t willing to bend even one little bit.

And then one day we realize that we are tired of constantly fighting. We recognize that we have been swimming against the current for too long. We admit that we are a tiny part of this vast universe, and we know that we simply do not have the power to redirect the universal order of things.

And so we let go. We surrender. We go with the flow.

We move alongside the universe, rather than constantly butting heads with it.

We become friends with it, rather than seeing it as an adversary.

We relax into it – we become a part of it – we are one with it – we are it.

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