Do you feel stuck in a particular area of your life and feel like some guidance would be helpful?

Are you struggling with making an important decision and feel like you could use a fresh perspective to help you weigh your options?

Are you super close to having a breakthrough and just need some new tools to help it progress?

Does your soul thrive when it can open up and share in a supportive community?

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you’re in the right place. We have all struggled with these things – we’ve all had moments on our journey where we weren’t sure where to go, who to turn to, or what to do.

I am learning more than ever that when we open our hearts and let our authentic selves show up in our lives, wonderfully amazing things start to happen. And when we can be brave enough to do this within a supportive community, even more wonderful things can emerge.

For this reason, I am starting a new feature here called Ask Away.

Each Friday, I will post and answer a question from one of you! My hope is that this wonderful community of readers will also join in and offer their guidance to the brave soul who opened themselves up that week. We are all unique and each come from a different place. Our experiences and lessons learned give us so many tools to help others along their paths. And their experiences and lessons learned can in turn help us along our path.

All we have to do is ask.

Your question can truly be about anything. It can be about any struggle you are going through, any decision you would like help with, any idea you would like another opinion on. It can be any question that comes from your authentic soul – any question that you truthfully are looking for guidance with.

I like to see life through a lens of gratitude and positivity, and I feel that we are each on a journey toward learning and growing and expanding our souls. I believe that by going within and getting to know ourselves better, we will be more grounded and better able to love ourselves and others.

I will do my best to offer suggestions, and I hope that everyone in this community will also jump in and offer guidance as well.

Here’s how it will work:

Please email your question to: (Please put “Ask Away” in the subject line.)

If your question is chosen for that Friday’s feature, I will let you know if I need any additional information. It’s completely up to you if you would like your question to be anonymous or public. If you would like to keep it anonymous, please make sure to leave out any identifying details.

I really am looking forward to having each of us join together to help each other live our best lives.

Let’s all start asking away!

P.S. – Thank you so much to for choosing me as their blogger of the day! It’s quite an honor, and I’m still celebrating! 🙂


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