Saturday Selection – OWN

This week’s Saturday selection is Oprah’s new television network: OWN.  Like many of us, I grew up watching Oprah. I have learned so much from her show over the years and continue to be inspired by all that she does to empower each of us to live our best lives.  And while I am going to miss watching her show each day, I am so happy that she’s now able to spread her positive message and reach so many through her new network.  If you haven’t seen the shows on it yet, I would definitely recommend tuning in.  Each is handpicked by Oprah herself, and they are filled with feel good vibes that will definitely have you coming back for more.  Here is Oprah’s plan and vision for the network: I said from the beginning that this was an opportunity for me to step out of the box and make the kind of shows that make my heart sing. =&1=& =&2=& =&3=& Master Class Oprah handpicks celebrities who are masterful at what they do. People who can help teach us what they have learned so far on their journey. I absolutely loved them all, but Oprah’s was definitely my favorite. She has so much wisdom, and I took so much away for my own life after watching her. Enough Already with Peter Walsh Peter Walsh is the decluttering expert, and in this show he helps hoarders get to the heart of the matter knowing that it’s not about the material things but rather about something much deeper. I love the breakthrough moments in this show – that moment when the person realizes what is really driving the clutter. That is when the change can begin. Our America with Lisa Ling Lisa Ling travels our country and shows us a glimpse into certain subcultures that we may not have otherwise been exposed to. She is such a compassionate reporter who truly does a wonderful job of telling their stories. A surprise favorite:  The Judds This chronicles Naomi and Wynonna Judd’s journey together – both through the country as they tour for their final concert together and also their personal journeys of growth and learning how to better communicate and love each other. It’s very raw and very real. There are so many other great shows in the works that I’m very excited about. I just love that there is an entire network built on positivity, growth, inspiration, and quality. And I trust that Oprah will continue choosing shows that reflect this wonderful mission. If you haven’t tuned in already, I would encourage you to do so. A daily dose of warm fuzzies and positivity  goes a long way in helping you create a happy life. And this network definitely does that! 

You Make the World a Brighter Place

Today’s writing prompt comes from our Journaling Further Within book: =&0=& =&1=& =&2=&=&3=& =&4=& This is a great exercise to do when you are feeling great about yourself, and then you can go back to it and reread it whenever you need a little self-esteem boost. If you aren’t sure what sort of impact you make on their lives, ask them.  I’m sure they would love to share how wonderful you are, how much joy you bring them, and how happy they are to have you in their life.  This is a great way to bring you closer together, too. And positive feedback and warm fuzzies are always so good to hear and feel.  =&5=& =&6=& P.S. – Thank you to everyone who has answered our weekly poll so far! It’s in the top right corner, and there is still time to answer. It’s about the things you do to relax and recharge, and reading and spending time with pets are the top two choices so far! 

Remembering to Breathe

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.  We are still looking for the kitty’s home. We are working on our biggest order to date that has a hard deadline. And my body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate and has started to rebel.  So it’s definitely time to remember to breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. =&0=& =&1=& There are many great techniques we can use to calm  ourselves down when life feels overwhelming. 
Here are just a few: Breathe.  Stay present and mindful.  Meditate.  Be grateful for everything that is working in your life. Shift your focus.

Switch gears – do something completely different that has nothing to do with the tasks at hand. This will help you get perspective, More

Grateful for Unexpected Curve Balls

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 
Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project.  Okay – now for today’s post: Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and you get to choose to stay open and see where it takes you. I was planning to write a gratitude post today about a wonderful appreciation meditation that I just learned, which is very helpful in tuning in to all of the good in our lives and helpful for attracting more positive things to us.  (And I promise I will write this post very soon!) And then life took over, which sometimes happens, doesn’t it? 🙂 The curve ball is that Dan and I found a sweet cat late last night, and we were up almost all night spending time with her. We have our fingers crossed that we will find her home – it’s very obvious that she was well taken care of and very loved.  So while I had planned on making journals, filling orders, and writing today – I will instead be putting up signs, going to the vet, and spending time with my new friend.  And while I feel exhausted and a bit frazzled, I am so grateful that we found this sweet kitty and can hopefully reunite her with her family. I am so grateful that we were in the right place at the right time. I am so grateful that she trusted me enough to let me pick her up and take her home.  I am grateful for unexpected gifts and wonderful new furry friends. I am grateful for being able to stay flexible and continue this journey with an open heart. And I am grateful that my intended post will come out when the time is right.  Here’s to all of us being grateful for everything in our lives (including the curve balls).

Sacred Spaces

Today’s post contains a writing prompt from our Journaling Within book: =&0=& =&1=& =&2=& =&3=& =&4=& =&5=& It can be an entire room devoted to journaling, reading, and going within. It can be a small table that you put some of your favorite mementos on. It can be a comfy chair that invites you to slow down and take time to relax. It can be a walk in nature where you smell the fresh air and take in all of the beauty. It can be your bookshelf that is filled with books that are meaningful to you. It can be a vision board that encompasses all of your dreams and goals. =&6=& =&7=& =&8=& =&9=&

Mirror Work

=&0=& =&1=& Sometimes we are in such a hurry to start our day that we only look into the mirror to make sure our hair is brushed, our makeup looks okay, or we don’t have anything in our teeth.  And sometimes we get so busy that we can’t even remember the last time we looked at ourselves in the mirror period.  One of my favorite exercises in self love comes from Louise Hay’s book: The Power is Within You. =&2=& =&3=& It’s an amazingly powerful exercise. When you first begin, you may feel silly and self conscious; but if you keep at it your world will start to shift.  At first you may notice your inner critic pointing out your flaws (both physical and emotional), but if you keep at it and continue to pour unconditional love into the image you see, that inner critic will begin to subside and quiet down.  This is where the magic begins.  This is an exercise that I have dabbled with but never really stuck with.  I’m  going to commit to doing it regularly again, and I am asking each of you to join me in this journey of self awareness and self love.  All of happiness starts with you and your ability to love yourself.  And mirror work is a great way to begin your own journey.
So every single time we pass by a mirror, take a moment to look into it.  Really look into your own eyes and say (out loud if possible),  “I love you, (your name).” If any thoughts of criticism come up, replace them with thoughts of unconditional love for yourself. =&9=& =&10=&

Getting Healthy and Feeling Great

In a recent post, I talked about the fact that Dan and I were about to get a Vitamix.  Well… I’m so happy to let you know that we bought it yesterday and have already used it several times! Eating healthier has been on my to-do list for a long time.  One misconception many of us have about eating a cruelty-free diet is thinking that it must be healthy. It’s just not true though (which I learned firsthand).  Many years ago, Dan and I were eating all of the processed soy-based meat substitutes for basically every meal. And what happened is that the soy actually caused our thyroids to stop producing enough hormones and we became hypothyroid because of it. Scary stuff for sure. We have now been soy-free for 2.5 years and are feeling much better. (It took several months before we started feeling normal again.) Vegetarians and vegans can be just as unhealthy as meat eaters. If your diet consists mainly of processed foods, tons of sugar, and chemicals and dyes, chances are you aren’t going to feel that great in the long run.  I am not a big salad or raw food person, but I know how many nutrients are packed in raw, green food. This is where the Vitamix comes in. By hiding these healthy ingredients in a smoothie, I’m much more likely to eat it! I’m going to keep a daily log of what I make in the Vitamix here.  Please feel free to comment there and also leave your favorite recipes (if you are also a juice and smoothie lover).  =&0=& They are much more likely to stick if you are having fun and enjoying yourself. And this will lead to long-term health and a lifetime of feeling great! What are some fun things you can do to feel healthier?  Could you add something nutritious to your diet? What about exercise?  Is there a fun activity that you would like to do (such as tennis or dancing) that wouldn’t feel like exercise but would still get you moving?  Think about it today and see if you can start with small changes at first. Remember that the small changes will add up to big changes, and you’ll be feeling healthier before you know it!  Here’s to our health! 🙂 P.S. – Be sure to answer this week’s poll in the top right section! It’s all about relaxing and recharging!

Saturday Selection – Hay House Radio

I am so excited about this week’s selection:  Hay House Radio!
I first learned about this wonderfully inspirational site a few years ago through Cheryl Richardson (one of my favorite authors). She has a weekly radio show there called Coach on Call where she gives great advice to people who call in. Over the years, Dan and I have spent more hours than we can count making our products, and while we love listening to music, sometimes it’s nice to feed our souls and have a daily dose of inspiration while we are gluing and binding our journals. This website is absolutely perfect for that!  It is an offshoot of Hay House publishing, which is home to some of the best personal growth books and tools in the world. They are both founded by Louise Hay, who is a true ray of light in our world.  Louise Hay is an amazing woman, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for all of the wonderfully positive and inspirational work she is doing. She has given all of these talented authors and speakers a platform to share their wisdom, and I am forever grateful to her (and to them).  In addition to Cheryl Richardson, here are just a few of my favorite authors that have radio shows here: Wayne Dyer Sonia Choquette Joan Z. Borysenko There are so many more – each with their own wisdom and a shared desire to help others. With thousands of hours of archived shows by Hay House’s bestselling authors, you can immerse your soul with positive nuggets that will stay with you forever.  To listen, you can either tune in for your favorite show and and listen to it live each week, or you can join their Wisdom Community and listen to the archives.  If you join this community, you will also qualify for big discounts off of Hay House products and events!  Just last night we listened to a show we hadn’t heard before called Attracting Abundance by Peggy McColl.  We listened to two of her archived shows – one featuring Bob Proctor (amazing!) and the second featuring Gay Hendricks (a favorite of mine!). I always learn so much by listening to Hay House Radio, but it’s so much more than just learning. It’s also about feeling a sense of community and tuning in to hear likeminded, wonderful teachers sharing their gifts to help us along our journey. I know you will love it just as much as I do. 

Defining Self Care

=&0=& Thank you so much to everyone who responded!  It’s so great to see that most of you are taking some time each day to put yourself back on the priority list. I really think that self care is the key component to a happy life, and so I thought it would be fun to see what everyone’s definition of self care was. We are all so unique and we all live varied lives. And this means that our definitions will all be different. If you are a new mom, self care might mean taking a nap while your baby sleeps. If you are a busy mom with older children, self care might mean practicing deep breathing while waiting in the car pool lane.  If you are a business owner, self care might mean delegating tasks so that you can ease your own workload.  How do you define self care in your own life?
  • Does it mean taking time for yourself, which could include relaxing and rejuvenating?
  • Does it mean listening to your inner voice and setting boundaries with others when needed?
  • Does it mean taking care of your body by eating nutritional foods, resting when you are tired, and remembering to take deep, full breaths? 
  • Does it mean taking a hard look at your schedule and realizing that you simply must eliminate certain tasks because you are in fact only one person and it’s just not humanly possible to get it all done?
  • Does it mean waking up an hour earlier so you are guaranteed to have a peaceful morning?
  • Does it mean saying no when you don’t want to do something but would normally have said yes because are a people pleaser?
  • Does it mean taking time to go within and really getting to know yourself?
  • Does it mean scheduling appointments that you have been putting off, running errands that are on your mind, and checking things off your “to do” list so you can have a more peaceful, quiet life?
  • Does it mean taking a day off each week where you only do what you want to do?
As you can see, there are so many ways that we can define self care and what it means for each of us.  =&2=& I set aside every morning for myself.  I schedule this time into my calendar, and it isn’t negotiable. I write. I go within. I drift through my morning in a calm way and a slow pace.  It’s my time to do with as I wish. I take one day off of work per week.  Until recently, this wasn’t a given in my life. Working from home tends to blur the boundaries between what is work and what isn’t work. And while I’m still setting the boundaries to make them more clear, I do take one day off to read, hang out, and just be Jodi – not the owner of This Is It! Creations. I eat food that nourishes me. Fresh, healthy food that makes me feel energized and alive. I focus on what I love and say goodbye to the rest.  =&3=& So often I hear people say that they just don’t have time for self care. That they are simply too busy and how could they possibly add something else to their schedule?=&4=&

Dream A Big Dream

I was listening to a wonderful seminar yesterday with Jack Canfield. He is the author behind the wonderful Chicken Soup for the Soul books, was featured on The Secret, and has written several books on positive thinking and achieving success. He is such an amazing person with a kind spirit, and I love that he is happy to share his knowledge and wisdom with others.  This particular seminar was a motivational talk for authors who would like to achieve success with their own books, which came at a perfect time because Dan and I are each in the process of writing our own books and look forward to applying his wealth of information to our own lives.  =&0=& =&1=& When he wrote the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, he always referred to it as a bestselling book – right from the start. He visualized it sitting at the top of the New York Times bestsellers list. He imagined full displays in bookstores. He imagined selling millions of books in the first year.  And he kept that dream alive even when almost 150 publishers turned him down. He kept it alive when it was finally printed and sales were dismal in the first few months. He kept it alive when the publisher was having doubts about it and said he would be lucky to sell 20,000 total copies.  He believed in himself, and he continued to dream big.  He kept raising the bar for himself and dreaming even bigger than before.  Even bigger than he thought was possible.  They now have nearly 200 books in the series and have passed all of his dreams along the way. He has had to come up with even bigger dreams, which is a great thing!  He talked about how if you are dreaming and visualizing anyway – what’s the difference between a safe dream and a “shoot for the moon” dream? The universe and the energy to attract your dream don’t know the difference – your feeling behind this dream is what will bring it into fruition. Your emotion and desire and belief in knowing that you deserve this dream will make it real.  =&2=& =&3=& And then take action.  Once you set a clear dream and truly believe it and see yourself living it,  you can take action to make it a reality. 
I always have felt that if you meet the universe half way, amazing things can happen.  You set your intention, which sets everything in motion…  and the results can be magical if you truly believe.  So let’s all dream bigger than ever before, and get ready for amazing results! 

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