
I was watching American Idol last night and was once again completely mesmerized by Jacob Lusk. Besides his amazing talent, I absolutely love how he feels the music and becomes the music when he sings. He sings with pure emotion and pure love – and he takes us to such a magical place with his amazing talent.  Another singer I love listening to is Jackie Evancho. She has such an angelic voice, and I’m completely in awe every time I hear her sing. She also just becomes the music – she sings with pure love. And while these two singers have completely different styles, they effect me in such a similar way because of the emotion behind their singing. Their love for it shows through, and it’s amazing to see them so completely “in it.”  =&0=& =&1=& =&2=& =&3=& =&4=& And when we do that – we immediately feel the pure joy that comes from knowing we are doing what our soul is asking – what we were put on this planet to do.  It’s that big – it’s that powerful – and we know it when it’s happening.  We are filled with pure love and pure joy and complete knowing. 

Spend some time today thinking about More

Grateful for Kindness

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 
Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:
A writing prompt from

Have you ever been helped by a stranger?
If you could tell them how grateful you are for them, what would you say?

Many years ago I was involved in a car accident. 
I was in complete shock and crawled from my car to the sidewalk to lie down. 
A lot of that moment is a blur, but I do remember many people immediately rushing over to help me. One man in particular will stay with me forever – and I would especially want to thank him for his selfless kindness and compassion. 
He somehow found a pillow or a blanket to put under my neck. And because it was summertime and very hot, he held an umbrella over me to shield me from the sun. I was hurting, crying, and scared, and he was so soothing and comforting. He just kept saying that help was on the way and that everything was going to be okay. And then before I knew it, I was put into the ambulance and taken to the hospital.
I regret not having the chance to thank him. I wish I had gotten his contact information.
He is such a kind soul and just going back and reliving that moment brings me such a sense of calmness and gratefulness – all because of him.
He made me want to be a better person.
His selfless actions that day affirmed the goodness that is in everyone.
I will forever be grateful to him.
Can you think of a moment in your life when a complete stranger helped you in some way and made your life better?


A Day Just for You

=&0=& =&1=& =&2=& Let’s declare it to our loved ones. Let’s let them know ahead of time that this is our day.  On this day, let’s wake up when we want, eat what we want, and do exactly what we want.  Let’s get creative in what this means for us – let’s talk about the specifics.  Let’s spend some time planning it out.
Write down when you want this day to take place.

Write down exactly how you plan to spend your time – is it going to be More

Staying Open

There are some pretty extraordinary things going on in my life right now –  too new and abstract to put them into words at the moment (definitely someday).  I will say that experiencing these things firsthand has thrown what  I believed was possible into a tizzy.  It’s opened my world to infinite possibilities –  which is both wonderful and a bit scary at the same time. Throughout my life, I have tended to want to be in control. I want to know what’s around the corner and plan how things are going to go.  What I am realizing more and more is that in doing so  I am limiting the possibilities for my life.  I am controlling the known and not letting in the unknown.  So what if I just let go?  What if I surrender and just let things happen naturally? What if I get out of my own way? What if I stay open to the possibility?  =&0=& And the events that I have experienced recently have shown me that there is so much more out there than I ever thought was possible. That I ever could have imagined before.  So I will open my heart and soul and let go. Surrender. And wait with excited anticipation of the wonderfulness to unfold right before me.  Is there anything in your life that you are holding onto and desperately trying to control? Do you think it’s possible to take a deep breath and then let it go?  Are you willing to take a step back from your own life and allow things to flow naturally?  Can you stay open to the possibility?  Definitely something to think about.  🙂

We’re All Just Doing the Best We Can

I was watching Oprah last night, and she had Nadya Suleman as a guest. She had octuplets a couple of years ago and, as you might imagine, was feeling extremely overwhelmed and worried about how she was going to continue to care for her family. In this show, Oprah talked about how our society is addicted to judging others. Nadya has been put through the wringer in the press and judged very harshly by the public. And while her situation is extreme – we can all relate to her in some way. We have all had days when we just felt like we couldn’t do it anymore. We have all had moments where we were overwhelmed and stressed and burned out. If we take a moment to see how similar we are to someone we judge or dislike,  it will help us empathize more with them and their situation. It will help diffuse some of our own anger and create a space where love can replace it.  And doing this doesn’t mean that you agree with that person’s actions – you are simply acknowledging the humanness in their situation. You are acknowledging that we are all doing the best we can based on the knowledge and tools that we have available to us at that moment. I met some people yesterday who were very kind and supportive toward me. And yet they made some comments that weren’t kind and supportive toward someone else. After our conversation, I stepped back and thought about why they would make such a comment. And I realized it was because they were working with the knowledge and the tools that they currently had. They certainly weren’t bad people – they had good hearts and were simply doing the best they could. And while this doesn’t condone their comments, this did help diffuse my own anger and help me realize that we are all on our own path learning and growing at our own pace. We are all human – we all make plenty of mistakes along the way. Judging others only hurts ourselves.  Being able to empathize and put yourself in another person’s shoes will  open your heart and soul.  It will help you grow and be able to love even more fully. Think about someone you have recently judged.


Saturday Selection – A Funny TV Show!

=&0=&  I needed that more than ever today,  so I was extra happy to see the funniest dvd arrive in the mail:  Just for Laughs!  If you haven’t seen it, it’s sort of like Candid Camera but without words. The gags are the funniest that I have seen, and I always know that I’ll be laughing out loud and laughing hard by the time an episode ends.  Taking time to laugh each day is crucial to our own wellbeing.  It releases all of the stress from the day. It allows you to be free and light and happy.  I definitely recommend watching this show. I guarantee it will make you laugh – it’s just so silly! If you haven’t seen it before, here are two of my favorite gags: Hope you enjoyed them! Have fun laughing!

Just One Little Action Can Go a Long Way

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m having so much fun reading your giveaway entries! Thanks so much to those of you who have been paying it forward and posting about it! In honor of you, I wanted to keep the good vibes flowing and post a question from our  Journaling Further Within book: =&1=& We all have unique gifts and can pay it forward in so many different ways.  The wonderful thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t have to be something huge. Little things add up quickly to become big things. =&2=& At the post office, you could hold the door open for someone whose hands are full. When you do your errands today, you could pick up any litter you see in the parking lot. 

You could give someone More

Fragile Life

We’ve had a lot of loss in our lives over the past few months,  and it’s made me realize just how unpredictable and fragile life can be. No one knows how long they have here on Earth –  we can just strive to live our best lives while we are here.  Imagine you are at the end of your life.  =&0=&

Smile. Smile. Smile. :)

Doesn’t it feel good to smile?  You can’t help but be happy when you are smiling – so smile, smile, & smile some more! I recently watched Eat Pray Love, and I loved the part where Julia Roberts was in Thailand meditating with a smile on her face the entire time. I started doing this each morning while taking a shower. And at first it feels a bit strange to just be in there with a big smile on my face while shampooing my hair. It’s definitely awkward. But…while I’m doing it I can feel something start to shift in my brain. I start to feel happier. I start to feel lighter. My brain isn’t able to worry or stress or be overwhelmed when I am smiling. And these are definitely good things! Try it tomorrow – see how great you feel! Plant a big fat smile on your face from the moment you step into the shower until the moment you step out of it.  You get extra credit for thinking about everything you are grateful for while you are smiling! And for today, take some time to write down some things that bring a smile to your face. (Be prepared to start smiling just thinking about them.) The more you think about smiling, the more you will start to smile. And the more you start to smile, the happier you will be. And the happier you will be, the more fulfilling your life will become. And the more fulfilling your life is, the more you have to give to others. And the more you give to others, the more they will pay it forward and give to others. And pretty soon the entire world is paying it forward and happy. And it all started with just one smile. 🙂

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