A Peaceful, Easy Feeling

For years, I’ve been searching for peace – the kind of peace that warms you up on the inside and lets you know in a huge way that everything – absolutely everything – is right in your world. The kind of peace that feels like a warm blanket wrapped around you or the hot sun shining on your face and making its way through your entire body. The kind of peace that feels like a deep, deep exhale. The kind of peace that feels like heaven on earth. That kind.

I’ll Be Happy When…

We’ve all said it. We’ve all thought it. We’ve all felt it. And we’ve all believed it. 

The “I’ll be happy when…” illusion/trap. 

“I’ll be happy when I meet my soulmate.”

“I’ll be happy when my finances all come together.”

“I’ll be happy when I quit my job and leap into my soul’s calling.”

“I’ll be happy when my body feels healthier.”

“I’ll be happy when I get More

The Worst Day of the Year?

I have been dreading this day. Silently, in the back of my mind I have been worrying about it and planning around it and secretly wishing I could skip right over it.

From an outsider’s perspective, this day would seem like any other. Looking around, things appear to be pretty great – I am home with my amazing husband and sweet furry kids. I am writing. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. And yet, I have a dark cloud hovering over all of these wonderful parts of my life.

You know More

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