Eyes of Love Gifts


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About the Eyes of Love Gift Set:


  •  Are you ready to stop putting yourself down and start lifting yourself up? 
  • Are you ready to embrace and live the truth that YOU ARE ENOUGH? 
  • Are you ready to stop viewing yourself critically and start seeing yourself through the eyes of Love?

It’s our hope that these gifts help you to see yourself as the beautiful, good, loving, and lovable person you truly are!


Gift #1 – Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Love Ebook

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This 26-page ebook contains fun games, questions, and activities that help you tap into the Spirit of Love within you!

It’s designed to help you focus on what you love about yourself, boost your confidence and self-esteem, and feel better about the person you are—inside and out. And it’s designed to be light, playful, and FUN!

We hope that you have fun with these activities and that they help you replace self-criticism with self-love!


Gift #2: Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Love Guided Meditation! 


This audio meditation guides you gently into a loving self-perception! 

It’s something that you can do any time you want to see yourself as those who love you the most see you—as the Spirit of Love itself sees you: as a beautiful, radiant, and infinitely worthy person who deserves to give, receive, and feel an endless supply of love!

We believe that the Spirit of Love sees you as you truly are, and I hope that this meditation helps you see yourself that way, too!

Saying YES to Yourself, Saying YES to Love

By downloading these gifts, you’re taking one of the most important steps to a life filled with joy, confidence, and love—for yourself and for others.

By choosing to say YES to the love that is the essence of who you truly are, you’re opening the door to increased happiness, vitality, passion, enthusiasm, and zest for life! You’re saying yes to being truly alive! You’re saying yes to a more loving, more joyful YOU!

We’re so happy that you’ll be inviting love into your life in this way!

Love and Gratitude,

– Dan and Jodi


Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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