each moment copy

It seems the older I get, the more I realize how little I truly know.

It seems silly to admit this – especially since we’re always learning and growing and experiencing and taking so much into our hearts and our minds at any given moment.

And yet, I am constantly humbled by how much I still don’t know. I am constantly in awe that no matter how much I take in and integrate and assimilate, it’s just the tip – the very tip – of the metaphorical iceberg. 

I find that so exciting! I have always loved to learn, and knowing that there will always, always, always be more take into my heart and mind feels quite exhilarating.

I thought it would be fun to share some of what I’ve been learning recently and then invite you to share what you’re learning as well. We can learn so much from each other. In fact, a day doesn’t ever go by when I don’t learn something from someone else. That’s why it’s so important for us to stay connected and stay open to each other – we’re all teachers, and we’re all students.

I also wanted to point out that I’m very consciously phrasing this as to what I’m learning rather than what I’ve learned. To me, putting it into past tense makes me feel like it’s a closed subject. And I don’t know about you, but as soon as I do that and think I’ve learned all I need to know about a particular subject, it immediately comes back into my life and I see how much more there is still to learn.

Here’s some of what I’ve been learning:

1. I’m learning how important putting into practice all that I teach is. It’s one thing to talk about it and a completely different thing to implement it into my own daily life.

2. I’m learning that what I resist truly does persist. And when I give myself permission to surrender, life flows beautifully.

3. I’m learning that seeing myself as I truly am is so freeing – quirks and all! I’m pretty unique – just like each of you, and I’ve spent much of my life feeling that I somehow needed to apologize for each part of me that didn’t fit into the norm. Letting that go and embracing all of me feels so good!

4. I’m learning that not everyone is going to like me or agree with everything that I say. And that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. All I can do is focus on sharing my heart and trusting that those who are meant to hear these words will find me.

5. I’m learning that I am enough. Just me. Not me with all of my accomplishments and all of my doings – just Jodi.

6. I’m learning that life and love never end. I am blessed enough and open enough to see evidence of this every single day, which is always awe inspiring.

7. I am learning that while I can’t always control each part of my life, I can control my response to what’s happening in my life. And that feels good to remember.

8. I’m learning what a great stress reduction cat cuddling can be. Whenever I start to feel stress coming on, I go grab a cat and hold them until I feel better. (Thankfully, they’re used to it and put up with it – for the most part!)

9. I’m learning that I am surrounded by much more love than I ever even knew was possible. I had an inkling, but it’s pretty amazing to really feel it.

10. I’m learning that I am human. And through realizing this, I’m releasing the self judgment that comes with not being able to perform at superhuman levels. I’m able to exhale and feel so much relief.

11. I’m learning that slowing down isn’t a sign of weakness – it’s actually a sign of strength. Allowing ourselves to slow down means we are trusting the universe, our body, our soul, our heart – everything. And that feels pretty grounded and strong to me.

12. I’m learning that while I may not be ready for someone’s teachings at one point in my life, that doesn’t mean that I won’t be ready for them at another point. I’m learning that people tend to circle back around when the time is right, and it’s helpful to stay open to this.

13. I’m learning to say no to anything that no longer feels right. Even if it’s something that I thought I would continue doing. I have permission to change my mind as I change and grow. And someone else has permission to do the same.

14. I’m learning that when my body doesn’t work the way I want it to, it’s not because it’s failing me. It’s actually helping me get back on track.

15. I’m learning that my angels and spirit guides are so powerful, so loving, and always have my best interest. Even when I don’t agree with what they are doing and even when I get angry with them because I want the outcome to be different, they never waver and always surround me with so much love.

16. I’m learning that I get to choose where my energy goes. If I focus on low vibrational thoughts (such as fear, anger, depression), then I will continue to stay in a low vibration and feel disconnected from my soul. Conversely, if I choose to focus on high virbrational thoughts (such as love, joy, gratitude), then I will stay in a high vibration and attract more thoughts and experiences like that to me. It’s so empowering to fully realize this.

17. I’m learning that my business flows when I come back to being of service. Always.

18. I’m learning that my life flows when I love myself and step back into the flow.

19. I’m learning how truly blessed I am. Each moment of each day. I have an amazing life, and I am so grateful.

20. I am learning that deep, spiritual love is real. The man that I get to spend almost each moment of each day with is beyond anything I ever could have dreamed of. For almost 13 years, he has shown up each moment from a space of love, and his love has allowed my love to continue to flow.

21. I’m learning that love is everything. Absolutely everything.

Now it’s your turn! Please share some of the things that you’ve been learning in the comments below! Let’s all learn from each other! 🙂 



P.S. – Thank you so much to everyone who has sent love and well wishes about my health. I’m still resting, but I’m starting to feel stronger and feel confident that I’ll be back to vibrant health soon! Your prayers and healing love have been felt and are so appreciated!

This special goes through Sept 8th, so be sure to order it before then!

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