artThe other day I had reached my limit. I had gone too many nights with hardly any sleep. I had pushed myself too hard on too many deadlines. I had gone too many days without green smoothies. I had neglected my own creativity at the expense of finishing projects and meeting goals. And I had gone way, way, way too long without taking care of myself.

I found myself just about at my breaking point. I was lying on the floor (where I often go when I just can’t take anymore in), and I knew that something needed to change. I knew that I needed to do something drastically decadent in order to bring myself back to center again.

So I declared that the next day would be a Home-tel Day. 

Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit overextended, I take a day away – I go to a hotel and recharge my spirit. I take my markers and my notebooks and my snacks and my slippers and my books and I simply give myself space to BE. I don’t plan anything – I just honor whatever comes through. Sometimes I create. Sometimes I sleep. Sometimes I watch movies. And sometimes I just stare into space. And it’s always exactly what I need at exactly the right time. I always come home feeling rested and rejuvenated and ready to jump back into life fully again.

But the other day, I was feeling too overwhelmed to even feel like I could make a hotel reservation and pack up my stuff and cook some food to bring and just get my act together enough to make it to the hotel.

So I declared a Home-tel Day instead.

I would go into my office, which has a soft, inviting couch, a bathroom, and a comforting vibe. I would put on my PJs, pink robe, and fuzzy slippers, and I would close the door and just chill. I wouldn’t plan anything. I would just give myself a day of space.

I brought in my blanket and pillows and snuggled up with my cat on the couch. I watched a cheesy movie on Netflix. My sweetie made yummy snacks that I brought in. And I did a lot of staring. Followed by a lot of creating. And in these moments I remembered how these two things feed my soul in such a quick way. I’m always amazed at how fast I bounce back when I just give myself what I need – what my soul is crying out for.

I had hours where I simply laid on the couch and looked around. I wasn’t productive. And I wasn’t “on.” I was in a brown-out space, and it felt so good.

And then I had hours where I created – where the ideas were flowing out almost faster than I could keep up. I sat down at the computer and played around in Photoshop. I went into the Soulful Life Sanctuary and created new rooms and graphics and a shop and so many other things.

I came away from this experience feeling like a whole new person. And while I would love to do it once a week, I am committing to at least doing it once a month (hopefully more). 

So many of us are go, go, going for much of our lives. So many of us are do, do, doing constantly. 

What this Home-tel Day taught me is that I can bring the hotel to me from time to time. I don’t have to go away to find peace and serenity and space to space out. I can create boundaries and clear the calendar and take care of myself in this special way. And so can you.

We’re really truly worth it.

My soul was so happy with me – is still happy with me. It doesn’t take long at all to fill ourselves up. But we do need to create space to do it. 

Will you join me in scheduling your own Home-tel Day? 

I would love to imagine all of us giving ourselves this time to simply BE. 

That feels so good to me. I hope it feels good to you, too.




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