the-momentThe last week has been emotionally draining for me. Between feeling completely powerless about a family crisis and still learning how to balance my life when I keep adding more in and haven’t been able to let anything go, it’s left me feeling depleted and absolutely exhausted.

After a week that was filled with worry and emotional ups and downs and being “on” and out in the world for many, many hours, I did the only thing I could do last night: I took a dark shower. I’ve talked about this practice here before, but it’s worth repeating. As a highly sensitive person, it’s easy for me to get overwhelmed by life. It’s easy to feel that the incoming stimulus is sometimes just too much to handle, and I have learned that I need special tools to help me get back to my soul and replenish my spirit.

Dark showers are one of my favorite ways to do exactly that. At the end of the day – when I feel like I’ve taken in everyone’s energy and more stimulus than I can handle – I take a shower in the pitch-black dark. When I’m overstimulated, I’ve found that even a little bit of light (even from a candle) is too much input, and so the darkness helps me regroup and reset my system. I close the door to everything in the world that could interrupt this moment of inner peace.

I allow the water to wash away the day, the worry, the energy, the emotions that I’ve taken in from others. All of it. I allow it all to flow down the drain. I see it as impermanent and no longer a part of my present moment. I give it permission to flow away from me.

I stand there for a long while. I just close my eyes and take deep breaths. Knowing that when I step out of the shower, I will be me again – reconnected with my inner light and much more able to sleep soundly and peacefully. Much better able to be able to give to myself and also to others the following day.

I highly recommend this practice. It’s truly been life-changing and life-saving for me. I walked out of the bathroom after my shower last night feeling renewed and home again, which is exactly what I needed. And I slept better than I had in a long while. My worries were no longer as embedded into my body as they had been. After just one shower – just 15 or so minutes in the dark and in silence had been enough to bring me back to myself. 

I would love to know what your self-care practices are for moving through overwhelm.

We’ve all felt it, and having a go-to remedy for it is so helpful. It’s such a loving gift to give to ourselves.

Living in our world can be exhausting at times. Life seems to have sped up so much for all of us, and having these tools in place to help us get back to our soul are essential for maintaining balance and inner peace. And that’s definitely something I wish for all of us.

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