ac-for-blogThis probably won’t come as a surprise to you, but I love connecting with other like-minded souls.

I love sharing authentically and vulnerably and heartfully.

I love that moment when we go from speaking at the human level and reach the familiarity of the soul level.

I’m part of several networking groups on Facebook, and while they aren’t all this way, many of them consist of everyone posting what they are selling and that’s it. Post and runs, I call them. No interaction. No conversation. No connection.

And that makes me sad.

Because I believe that authentic connection is something that we all desire at the soul level. I believe that our personal and professional lives are enhanced greatly when we take the time to nurture genuine friendships.

I believe that this deep level of connection can heal that disconnect that we often feel, can help our businesses succeed, and can bring our world together. 

It’s a grand idea, but it’s really how I feel. When we know each other, we act differently. When we care about each other, we act in kindness. When we share vulnerably and authentically, we open the door for others to do the same.

We really do have the power to step into this authenticity – in each aspect of our life. We really can change the way we look at the world.

We can see networking as connecting and being of service rather than simply serving ourselves.

We can view the world from a place of warmth and love rather than coldness and competition. 

We really can.

I started thinking about all of this when I woke up this morning, and I knew that I wanted to/needed to create a space for all of us to do exactly this. To start the conversation. To build friendships. To change the paradigm that says that business is hard and selling is selfish. To know that we decide what kind of world we’re going to create. To know that we have the power to live in a loving world that is filled with beautiful souls who are supporting each other. To remember that our world is infinitely abundant. And the good that comes to you doesn’t take away any good from me. It actually expands it.

authentic connecting square banner new websiteSo all of this was swirling around in my mind, and I dove into it and created the Authentic Connecting Facebook group.
It’s a place where we truly can share our hearts, promote our offerings, and help each other soar.

It’s a new way of looking at the world, and I know that so many of us are more than ready to start doing exactly that.

I would love for you to join us! It’s completely free and completely soul-stirring and soul-inspiring.

If you’re a heart-based entrepreneur (an author, speaker, coach, healer, etc.) and are looking to extend your message and connect with others who are doing the same, this is the group for you!

Click here to join us!

It’s amazing that in just a few hours of being brought to life, several hundred people are already a part of it. And the authentic discussions are already warming my heart. We’re showing up for ourselves and for each other, and this is what I hoped for. This is what we crave. And this is what we can have. I love that.

I can’t wait to see you there! 



P.S. – To help us kick this group off in style, would you please help me by sharing this post and also inviting 3 friends to be a part of the group? Anyone that you think would enjoy connecting authentically with others is a perfect fit! To do this, please join the group and then enter the names in the “Add people to the group” field on the right side of the page. Thank you so much!

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