
This morning, I was in the kitchen getting my breakfast when I heard my sweet dog, Xena, barking in the backyard. She rarely barks, so I went to the door to check and saw two men standing in the middle of my yard. This is definitely not something that has ever happened before. We live in a safe, quiet neighborhood with a fenced-in yard. 

Something took over me that can only be described as a maternal instinct to take care of my baby, and I threw open the door and ran out (robe and all) to find out what was going on.

Now, I am usually a pretty quiet person. And I’m also physically small (5 feet 3 inches and just over 100 pounds). Not usually someone who intimidates others. However, in a split second, I felt myself transform into someone of great strength.

Our conversation lasted no more than a minute. I asked them what the #%$% were they doing in my yard. They said they were there to prune the petunias. I said that we didn’t have petunias to prune. They said someone sent them. I told them to leave immediately. And thankfully they did.

I made sure my dog was safe, locked the door, and realized something (after I took a huge exhale and thanked God that we were both okay): I am much stronger than I often give myself credit for.

This inner strength appears out of nowhere when I most need it. It pulses through my veins and keeps me safe. It keeps others safe. It allows me to show up empowered and filled with strength. And I love that. 

There have been so many times throughout my life when I didn’t stand up for myself. When I allowed others to treat me horribly. When a part of me believed that I wasn’t worthy of being treated any better.

And it’s such great evidence for me to look back at those times – when I shied away from confrontation and when I meekly stayed silent – and compare them to the person I have become today: powerful and strong and able to protect myself and others.

And that’s what I wish for all of us: really knowing how strong we are. Because usually it’s much, much stronger than you realize. 

And while you most likely won’t have strange men suddenly appear in your backyard, there will be scenarios that you encounter throughout your life where you’ll get the chance to let your inner strength protect you and set boundaries around you. And in these moments, you’ll also see just how strong you’ve always been.

It’s like this strength lies dormant inside of us and only comes out when it’s most needed: when it’s summoned.

I would love for each of us to become more aware of this strength and be more open to letting it flow through us more readily. To not just save it for moments such as mine today – where we are protecting our kids or where we perceive that we are in imminent danger. But rather, to allow this strength to show up in our day-to-day lives. To get comfortable with it. To know that it’s a beautiful part of our soul. To believe that true strength doesn’t equal bitchiness or rudeness or dominance or anger or any other negative word that you may equate with it. It equals self worth.

Strength is your soul’s way of showing up in the world from a deep knowing of your worth. It’s a way to set boundaries and tell others that you deserve to be treated well. It’s a chance for you to let yourself know how powerful you are. 

And I love that.

This was such a great reminder for me today – to remember that this strength is always a part of me. And to remember that it’s a good thing to let it come out more.

Feeling strong and powerful are such wonderful ways to feel. Standing up for yourself is your right and essential for your own growth.

I would love for each of us to embrace our strength and in doing so, embrace our worth.

Big hug,


faces-banner-25-largeP.S. – Last fall, over 100 of us came together and embraced our lives, reconnected with our soul, and said yes to living fully in the Coming Back to Life Ecourse. It was magical. It was powerful. And it was life-changing.

If you missed it, or if the timing wasn’t right for you then, I would love for you to join us this time! (And if you’ve taken it since then as a self-study course, you’re more than welcome to take it again with the group for free!)

I still receive emails from beautiful souls telling me how much this course changed their life. We’ll be moving this course to a different platform after this round, and so this will be the absolute last time that we’ll all be together taking it with the live chat sessions and the private Facebook group.

I hope you’ll join us! Details are coming next week with the earlybird specials and specific dates when it will begin. 

Click here to join the waiting list and be notified when registration opens for the group round.

(By joining the list you are in no way obligated to sign up for the course.)




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