
I am super excited about the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! 

One of my favorite parts of blogging is being able to introduce you to amazing souls who are putting goodness into the world. I love connecting people and sharing products that I love, and so I’m just thrilled to be able to do that with you here.

If you would like your product/website/service promoted here, please click here to read the details and then email me to apply. (I take what I share very seriously and will only share products and services that I am in alignment with.) The spaces are going quickly, so please keep that in mind when you’re signing up! A huge thank you to everyone who has already done so. You’re all absolutely wonderful, and I am so grateful for each of you.

And now, let’s get to this week’s beautiful soul and her wonderful offer just for you! 

meet jennifer


This week, I am featuring Jennifer Urezzio from Know Soul’s Language! Jennifer and I are both Team Inspiration Partners for Aspire Magazine, which is how we met.

She’s an intuitive with a special gift of helping you connect with your soul’s language through a detailed system that she created.

I recently had a session with her, and in it she shared one of my soul languages: The Image Maker. This means that I have the ability to see someone’s soul and bring that goodness and love to the light. She said that I can see past the masks and get to what’s real, which is definitely how I interact with everyone I meet. I love seeing someone’s true essence and sharing it with them, maybe even before they can see it. 🙂

Jennifer and I sat down to chat a bit more about how this system of identifying our soul languages emerged, what her own languages are, and so much more!

She’s offering you a FREE 15-minute reading to learn one of your languages, which I’m so excited for you to do!

I’ll share our interview first, and then keep reading to learn all about this special offer.


I am fascinated with the Soul Languages and how you came up with them! Would you please share how this beautiful system came to you?

The information was received via guidance. Several years ago I was at a conference, looking around at the other attendees and wondering why I connected instantly with some while I didn’t feel compelled to speak to others.  I asked the Universe, “How can I attract more people like these?” The answer was, “You speak the same language.”

That answer led to the paradigm of Soul Language. A way for people to create a conscious connection with their soul and put some tangibility to the intangible (the soul).

Could you share why it’s helpful for us to know our Soul Language?

For centuries, people have been searching to find out who they really are, why they are here, and what it all means. Know Soul’s Language gives us the insight and the tools to answer these questions in an accessible, relatable way.

By understanding your Soul Languages, you will be able to listen more closely to your inner wisdom, expand your awareness, and enjoy your life.

What are your personal Soul Languages? How has knowing them helped you?

Everyone speaks from three different categories of languages. There are 107 different Languages across the three categories. They are your languages this lifetime, they do not change.

My mission language, which is the Axiom of Quest Language, is called Equalizer. Your mission isn’t about doing; it is about being. So my mission here is to create and be balanced for myself and then offer that opportunity for balance and connection to others.

My Axiom of Translation, which is the language category that helps you understand how you fuel your mission and how you will be known here, is called Teacher of Integrity.  It’s about balancing and understanding the consciousness of love. When I move back into the consciousness of love, I’m back in integrity and therefore back on purpose.

My third language, which is the category of Tone (which is the Soulful personality), is called Graceful Warrior. It is all about grace, movement, courage, and strength.

Once you know your three Languages you have a one-liner for your Soul. Mine is: I help myself and others come into balance with love and courage.

How has it helped me? I was able to let go of a lot of anger. I have more supportive relationships. I have stopped trying to be other people and have accepted myself. I’m living and being my sacred work. And, when I’m in frustration and pain, I have tools and my soul to turn to now – knowing that even in those times, I’m still loved and supported.

When we look outside ourselves for this validation and love, we tend to suffer. We do this with our jobs, our relationships, money, etc. Knowing your Soul Languages helps you feel connected, provides tools and guidance, and gives you a knowing that you are loved no matter what is happening on the outside.

What can someone expect during a session with you?

All sessions can be done over the phone or via Skype. Often, people thank me for putting words to something that they knew was inside of them. There is often a shift of consciousness, so individuals feel more supported. And, because I’m a tangible person, there is always a tool that individuals can start using to create transformation each day. And of course, the last thing is that individuals have a new way to talk to their soul and their higher self.

What makes your soul sing?

Literally singing does.

What does your soul want you to know?

What it wants everyone to know: that we are one with the Divine.

What is coming up on the horizon for you?

The Soul Language book is being released shortly. And, The Business of Soul telesummit is coming up in September.  Stayed tuned for that information…

Is there anything you would like to share?

Allow the love within to be felt.

soul languages

Here’s a note from Jennifer about Know Soul’s Language:

Who am I? What am I here for? Why do I keep falling into the same old patterns with my work and relationships?

For centuries, people have been searching to find out who they really are, why they are here, and what it all means. Know Soul’s Language gives us the insight and the tools to answer these questions in an accessible, relatable way.

By understanding your Soul Languages, you will be able to listen more closely to your inner wisdom, expand your awareness, and enjoy your life.

With Know Soul’s Language you will…

  • Discover your mission
  • Learn how you consciously or unconsciously use your natural gifts, talents and abilities
  • Develop your intuition
  • Quiet inner critics
  • Realize and expand your goals
  • Become a strong leader
  • Let go of overwhelm
  • Create from a place of power
  • Understand you are never lost
  • Let go of the “I should know betters”
  • Settle into a deeper level of faith and trust
  • Experience unconditional love for yourself and others

By understanding your Soul’s mission and how you relate to the world around you, you will be able to increase your effectiveness in your business, in your purpose, and in your personal life. By tapping into your true self, you’ll gain a sense of clarity and alignment, you’ll become a more effective leader, and you’ll foster more profound relationships, which will help you feel more supported and connected.

I am honored to share with you this new insight into how the Soul expresses itself — Know Soul’s Language — which provides guidance for understanding our nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness.

Whether you are just getting started or have been on the path for a while, understanding your Soul Languages will reduce your day-to-day struggles and help you achieve a higher level of success. I know because that’s what it has done for me and for countless others who are using this tool to recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth.


Jennifer is offering all Soul Speak readers a FREE 15-minute Soul Language session! In it, she’ll identify and introduce you to one of your soul languages!

Click here to schedule your free session!

Thank you so much, Jennifer, for sharing here on Soul Speak and for your special offer! 

Big hug,

soulful journaling ecourse cover 3d smallP.S. – My sweetie, Dan, and I are creating a 4-week ecourse on Soulful Journaling that we’ll be offering for FREE as a very special gift for a very limited time!

Details coming next week! Please make sure you’re signed up for our mailing list so you don’t miss out. Click here to sign up.

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