magicHave you ever had something magical happen to you – something that you couldn’t explain?

Something that you wanted to believe, but you just weren’t sure how you would be able to bypass your logical brain for a moment to actually believe that it actually happened?

I think that all of us have had these moments occur throughout our life. Often, probably. But we aren’t always awake when they happen. (And I’m not talking about being awake as in you’re not sleeping. I’m talking about being awake as in you’re aware and conscious.)

I believe that we’re constantly being guided by the universe. Constantly. And we may not even be aware of it. We may feel so busy with our life and so disconnected from it all that we shut out any signs of miracles – any evidence of magic.

Why? Because we think it’s just easier that way, right?

I’m definitely guilty of living this way. Pushing through – drudging on with my blinders up to anything that will steer me off of the path of just getting by.

But sometimes, these little magical moments turn into big magical moments – moments that are just too big and too amazing to miss. And that’s when you wake up, you pay attention, you stare at it in complete shock and complete awe. It’s in these moments where you decide that you’re ready to listen.

I’ve had so many of these moments throughout my life (both the little and the big). Meeting my husband was one of those moments. Knowing him even though we had never met. It was a true miracle. In my upcoming book, I write about another moment where I share what happened when I started receiving guidance from the other side (as a complete skeptic, this didn’t go over well at first, as I’m sure you can imagine!).

And something’s been happening lately that I just am so excited about that I had to share with you. I see it as one of these magical moments that is turning into a miracle right before my eyes. 

xmas treeLate last fall, I went to my dentist for a root canal. Saying that I was anxious about it would be an understatement. It was something that I had put off for a long, long time – because of a combination of fear and also not making it a priority to take care of myself.

During the procedure, I experienced something truly magical. I closed my eyes and focused on turning my scared, shallow breaths into deep, full ones. Within a few minutes of doing this, I noticed that I was surrounded by a white light and saw an angel standing in front of me. I immediately recognized her as my spirit guide, Sarah. (I had felt her presence before but had never actually seen her.) I immediately could feel my breathing deepen, and I no longer felt scared. I knew that she was there to protect me and help me feel safe. Everything went smoothly, and I was so happy to have that behind me.

A couple of weeks later, my husband and I put up our Christmas tree. We wanted to start fresh, so we bought new lights and ornaments to put on. Our old ornaments and tree felt heavy to both of us, and it was so freeing to realize that we could start completely over this year.

I knew that I wanted to get an angel to represent Sarah’s loving presence in my life. (I’m still relatively new to this world of angels and spirit guides, and I’ve never had an angel anywhere in my home before – so this was a pretty big deal to me.) I found a gold one that I loved immediately, and I came home and put it on the tree.

We strung the lights around the tree and plugged them in. They were absolutely beautiful, but they were solid. I definitely preferred a blinking tree, so we decided that we would go out the following day and get the component that makes them blink.

We left the lights on all day and came into the living room that night to relax and unwind. And I was shocked when I noticed that part of the tree was blinking! One strand had decided to blink, even though it didn’t have the special component. It was the strand right next to the angel ornament, and I immediately wondered if Sarah had something to do with this.

I thought it was pretty amazing, but then I went back to my busy life.

The next day it was solid again when we plugged it in. And again the next day. And the next.

I was beginning to wonder if it was just a short in the strand – or just a one-time thing. I felt sad because I had hoped that Sarah was coming through and showing her presence.

We are always super busy with work around the holidays with our journal business, and I was working much longer hours than usual. One night, I just about collapsed from fatigue. I knew that I needed a break. And so I went into the living room, turned on the TV, put my feet up, and settled in to watch a movie.

And the lights began to blink. (For the time time in several days!) I went over to the tree and watched the strand. Its blinking wasn’t even but instead really sporadic. Something inside asked me to put my hand on my heart, which I did. And that’s when I realized that the lights were blinking to the same beat as my heart. (I have an irregular heartbeat.)


You can see a video of what I mean by this here:

Over the holiday season, I realized that the lights would blink when I took care of myself. When I rested. When I relaxed. And they were solid when I was busy and hurried and frenzied. 

sarahWhen we took the tree down in January, I took the angel ornament and the magical strand of lights off and put them into a frame. I hung them in my office and waited for them to blink again.

I wanted to know if this was just about self care or if there was more to the message.

I turned them on every day for months. But they stayed solid.

Until last week.

Dan and I recently turned our production studio/office into a cozy den. Rather than being surrounded by work tables and paper boxes, I now had a comfortable, soothing space that felt more like a home than a studio. It was a great act of self care for us to take the time to do this – to create this loving space where we wanted to spend all of our time.

The transformed energy helped me sit down and get back to writing my book. But more importantly, it helped me chill out. Stop working around the clock. Embrace my life. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go several months without taking a day off. I love what I do, and I sometimes have to pull myself away from work in order to remember that I need care, too.

den and officeThe other night, I took time off from work to relax and watch a movie. I came into the den and for the first time since Christmas, I saw that my frame with the angel and the lights was blinking! I was so happy to see it. And the next night, I decided to take the entire night off. And the lights started to blink again.

There really is no rhyme or reason for the lights to blink other than it’s always when I’m taking time to relax and have fun. It could be in the beginning of the day or late at night. The lights are solid and on the majority of the time. And then as soon as I take care of myself, they begin to blink.

So there is definitely a magical connection between the lights blinking and me taking care of myself. 

I can’t explain how or why this is working this way. All I can do is continue staying awake and continue paying attention to the miracles that are always happening all around me. 

They’re always happening all around you, too. I know it. I feel it.

Will you join me in staying awake so that you will notice them? Will you join me in embracing them, rather than immediately dismissing them because you can’t explain them or understand them? Will you join me in believing that they are possible? 

I would love that. I know that so much more is happening in this magical universe than I will ever be able to understand. But I can definitely commit to staying as open as I can and continue to allow this beautiful energy to come into my world and keep waking me up.

I love that we all get to do that.




P.S. – Just before I posted this, I decided to take an extended work break. Dan and I played a few games of Wii together and sat down for a snack. The lights had been solid all day, and when I came into the den they were blinking. Just another affirmation that self care is what I’m meant to be focusing on! 🙂


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