balanceLike many of you, I fell in love with social media the moment I was introduced to it.

I couldn’t believe that I could chat with someone in real time who lived halfway around the world. I was in awe that I could type a post asking people to share their dreams and within minutes we were in dream-brainstorming mode – visioning our futures together! I could share moments from my life, and others did the same. I could build a tribe of like-minded, creative, conscious, sensitive, heart-centered, amazing souls. We understood each other. We knew how it felt to live in a world that we didn’t always feel a part of. We had found each other, and I was completely elated.

I am not the type of person who does things half way – I am known to be an all-or-nothing kind of girl. And so I fully and completely embraced all of you and all of social media. I was hooked and impassioned. Wholeheartedly. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that this was my life – that I got to reach out to and connect with such amazing people every day! It didn’t feel like work at all – it was so much fun and so soul-affirming and satisfying. I was on such a high all of the time!

And my tribe kept growing. New, amazing souls showed up – each with their own beautiful presence and their own wonderful energy. And I welcomed you and invited you into my community. And we connected and got to know each other and shared our hearts.

And I loved every single second of it. I loved reading your updates on Facebook and Twitter. I loved hearing about each moment in your life – the highs and the lows. I loved reading your comments here on the blog sharing some of your deepest fears with me and also your sacred dreams.

I loved it all. So, so much. For the past two years, our connection and our conversation and our friendship has meant everything to me.

And because I don’t do things half way, I completely immersed myself in this world of being plugged in and being “on.” From the moment I woke up, I would jump online to check in with you all, and I would stay connected throughout the day and late into the night. Sometimes I would feel bummed that I needed to sleep – afraid of what I would miss during those hours. I was just buzzing with excitement that I had found my calling and my home. I was completely elated with this online world.

But I realized something the other day. Something that I teach but definitely still needed to learn:ย 

I was so busy staying connected with the online world that I forgot to remain connected to myself and my inner world. And the more disconnected from myself that I became, the more I looked to your comments and kind words to fill me up.

On some deep, subconscious level, I thought that your love could swoop in and complete me.ย And for awhile it seemed to. I was flying so high because of all of your love. I was feeling the rush of it all. I was so excited about our connections and meeting you and feeling that we understood each other, that I put absolutely everything I had into these friendships.

Until one day not so long ago, I was feeling pretty depleted. And I received several emails and status updates and blog comments filled with praise. And I didn’t feel anything after reading them. They didn’t bring me joy. I couldn’t hear them. I couldn’t take them into my heart. And that was my wake-up call. Because I’ve always been so grateful for your kindness – it’s always been such a comfort to me.

And in that moment I finally got it:

All of this beautiful love that pours out of you into me couldn’t be received until I found balance in my life and love within myself.

I was so burned out and exhausted from spending years on this social media treadmill – a treadmill that never, ever stops. There are always new people to meet and new updates to read and new posts to write and new connections to nurture.

And I was just so tired. And so empty. Because I had been so busy teaching everyone about balance and self care that I forgot to practice it myself.

Because of a root canal last week, I spent several days on the couch healing. I was feeling so drained that I made a conscious choice to stay off of all social media sites. I definitely felt pulled to check and see what everyone was up to. But I knew that what I needed more than anything was to step off of the treadmill for a little while. To recharge and replenish my own spirit.

So I resisted the urge to get online. And I slept. I read. I watched movies. I played Sudoku. I hung out with my sweet cats and dog. I played games with my sweetie. I went to bed early. I got up late. I tried new recipes.

I was human again. I was me.ย 
Not the public me. Just me.ย 
Not the me with the blog and the followers and the writing. Just me.

And this me was feeling pretty excited that I had taken some time to remember that she was still there.

I love all of you so much. And I love my life. I love that I have created a life where I get to write and dream and support you in living your life where you feel connected to your soul. I absolutely can’t imagine not being on this path. It’s my passion, and you’re my passion. And your love that keeps pouring in is absolutely wonderful – it’s something that I never want to take for granted. It’s something that I always want to be able to accept fully into my heart.ย 

Which is why I’m going to create some balance in my life. I’m going to carve out space where I can just be me. I’m going to explore who I am without this public part of myself. I’m going to rest and recharge and play and be silly and give myself tons of love.

Because in doing so, I know that I will be full again. I will be filled with so much inner love that I will once again be able to fully take in the love that you give to me. And I will also be able to give you so much more love than I can now.

To accomplish this balance,ย I’m going to completely unplug every Friday for the next month.

I’m going to embrace one day a week that is completely offline for the first time in 10 years. I’m going to step away from the computer and all of the beautiful friendships and connections. And I’m going to spend time recharging and filling up my own cup.

It means that I will step away from it all for 24 hours each week. Not even peek to see what you’re up to. Because it’s so easy to get sucked into this world and forget about my own. It can be such a slippery slope.

I’m setting myself up for success by starting slowly – just one day per week offline. For someone who is on most of the time, this is definitely going to be a life changer. My hope is to work up to three days a week eventually.

This also means that I will be scheduling posts on Facebook and Twitterย each Friday, which I was opposed to for so long. I wanted to be there in real time interacting with each of you. I wanted you to know that when I posted, our energy was there together. But my heart is asking me to do this – to just try it and see how it goes. Knowing that a scheduled post comes from my heart in the same way a live post does.

I’m learning that it’s all about balance. And recognizing when we’re veering off. And then consciously bringing ourselves back to our center again.ย 

We’re all so used to being plugged in all of the time that this might feel uncomfortable and a bit scary at first. But wouldn’t it be great if we gave ourselves permission to take some time away from everyone else and create space to love ourselves – to get to know ourselves – to embrace ourselves?

If you’re feeling like you could use more balance in your life, too, I would love for you to join me!ย It would be so helpful to know that we’re in it together. You could start by unplugging for one day per week or several – whatever feels right for you. We could try it for a month and see how it goes. This community is so loving and amazing, and I would love for each of us to live a life that fills us up and makes us truly happy.

And balance and self love are two ways to make this happen. I feel that this is true. I know it on a deep level. And this is what I wish for all of us – to find this inner happiness and inner peace and then be able to have that seep out of us without any effort at all. To be able to give fully and receive fully – knowing that we’re completely full.

Doesn’t that sound amazing? Let’s do it! ๐Ÿ™‚




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