
We all hold onto things for so much longer than is good for us. We all have that certain something that’s taking up so many of our circuits. That certain something that weighs us down.

We know that we should let it go. We feel deep within our hearts that it’s time to say goodbye to this part of our life.

And yet. We still hang on. We still keep it in our life.

Why? Because we’re afraid. Hanging onto this certain something is what we know. It’s how we’ve lived for so very long. It’s become who we are. Without it, there are just too many uncertainties and unknowns. Without it we just aren’t sure how our life would look. And that’s so scary.

So we continue inviting this person/job/thing/experience/emotion/memory into our life, and it becomes an unwanted guest. And we begin to resent every time we’re around it. We begin to resent it/them and also ourselves for not being strong enough to say goodbye.

Don’t you think it’s time to let it go? Don’t you? 

Don’t you think that it’s time to reclaim your life – your life?

Don’t you think it’s time to step into your truth and step into the life that you know you are meant to be living? 

I do. For you. And for me. 

I’m saying my own goodbyes this week. To an identity and a company that I should have let go of many, many years ago. If it were a person, it would be the longest breakup ever. But I feel with every cell in my body and with every knowing in my soul that it’s long overdue. So I’m leaping. And I’m choosing to live in this space of faith rather than in this space of comfort.

And I invite you to do the same.

I created this It’s Time poster for each of us to print out as a reminder of how strong we truly are. (Click on it to zoom in and print it out.)

I believe in you. In me. And I know that we can do this!

it's time

Sending you love as you release that which no longer serves you.

I know you’ll feel so much lighter and more free.

And it’s definitely time for that!

Please help spread the love by sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter!




P.S. – I’m super excited to share a way for you to promote your blog/product/service on Soul Speak! It’s called Sponsor Love, and there are several ways you can get your product/service out to a wider audience! There are limited spaces, so please respond right away if this is something that you would like to be a part of. Click here for details!





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