
Have you ever stopped and taken in how powerful love truly is? How loving yourself can change your entire world? How loving another can change their world? How putting out loving energy can shift your mood from sad to happy? How consciously sending love from your heart to another’s can instantly make them feel better?

Isn’t that amazing to think about?

It may seem that I have always been this open with sharing love – talking about love – being love. It may seem that I’ve been in this space of LOVE all of my life because it’s the space that I’m in now.

I know it may seem that way. But it definitely hasn’t always been that way.

I have been hurt in the past, just like you have. I have closed the door to my heart. I have tried to throw away the key. I have put up walls around my heart. I have vowed to never love again. I have tried to protect myself from ever being hurt again.

And then I looked at my life. I saw how I was living. Closed off. Sad. Depressed. Gray. Not trusting anyone. Angry. Hopeless.

And I knew that this was not the answer. I knew that this was not how I wanted to live. I knew that there had to be more to life than this.

And there was.

But in order to find this new way of living, I had to be brave. I had to open up my heart and allow others into it. I had to take that chance and allow myself to love others again. To trust others. To believe that they were loving and kind and good and had my best interest in their hearts.

And so I did. I slowly began to love others. Love myself. And let others love me. I slowly began to take down the walls that had surrounded my heart for so many years. And in doing so, I began to strip away the gunk that had been on top of my heart for so long. And I got back to my core – my essence – ME.

I believe that we all are pure love at our core. All of us. Every single one of us. 

And that love is what lights us up. It’s what give us life. It’s our power. Our energy. Our everything. 

And all we have to do to access is is be brave enough to be vulnerable. Be brave enough to let others in. Be brave enough to share our love and light with the world. 

And when we do, it’s amazing how it comes right back so quickly and so effortlessly.

I hope you’ll share your love with the world. I know that I can’t wait to feel it!

I created a free Your Love has the Power poster for you to remember how powerful you truly are! You can download it below and print it out! It’s saved at high resolution for you. I hope that it inspires you to always remember how truly powerful you are and that your love really can change the world.

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