A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Karen Hager

karenI’m a professional intuitive, and Valentine’s Day brought a lot of questions my way about love and relationships. We deal with these questions all year long, but there’s something about running into paper Cupids and giant red hearts everywhere we go that brings relationship concerns to the forefront.

I got an email from a woman recently who asked:

Why do I keep attracting people just like my ex? With the same issues? The same patterns? Am I doing something wrong? Is there something off about what I’m putting out there? Every time I get involved with one of these guys, it always ends with me being miserable. Am I not meant to find love?

Very often when we make a strong choice, we attract opportunities to reinforce that choice by taking action, by doing something to move the energy forward. And that can show up as manifesting the opposite of what we think we want.

In the case of the woman who wrote to me, my sense is that she keeps attracting these kinds of men, these patterns, because she has yet to reinforce her choice by taking action. Each time she gets involved with one of these not-right guys, she follows the same pattern (and so do the guys). When it all inevitably goes wrong, she feels genuinely hurt and surprised when the result isn’t different. It’s not enough to make the choice … we must take action to change the pattern.

Attracting what we don’t want can actually be a sign that we’re on the right track. Don’t get discouraged and give up. Shift the energy around the situation and use it to your advantage!

How can we reinforce our good choices when confronted with the thing we didn’t want?

  • Take a look at how you’d usually respond, and do something different. Remember the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza has one of his best days ever because he does the opposite of what he would normally do? Same thinking applies here. If I manifest the opposite of what I was hoping for, how would I normally respond? Personally, depending on the situation, I might get cranky, blame someone else, or just dive headfirst into a box of Cheez-Its. So what would the opposite of that be? Look calmly at what I’ve manifested, take responsibility for the good choice I’m about to make, and take good care of my physical body instead of punishing it.
  • Acknowledge what you’re holding, and gently release. If you are holding the energy of the pain and drama of your previous lousy relationships, you may be carrying that into the new situation. And on an energetic level, the way you carry the burden may be attractive to others who want to engage in that pattern … and there we have a cycle that keeps repeating and doesn’t serve you. We manifest the things that support our false beliefs about ourselves (no one will love me, I don’t deserve a partner who will be faithful, love never comes my way), until we choose to examine and release those false beliefs.
  • Plan a loving action. When you realize you’ve manifested something you don’t want, plan one small thing you can do right away to turn it around. The woman in our example might decide that the next time she’s attracted to someone who fits the old pattern, she’ll say “You seem like a great guy, but I’m not dating right now.” Without being harsh to herself or to the person she’s talking with, she can reinforce her choice not to engage in the old pattern. Taking loving action is very important, because action taken in fear will not serve you, and often reinforces the very thing you’re trying to step away from.
  • Express gratitude, both for the unwanted manifestation and for your power to turn it around. Yes, I really mean this. We cannot move forward until we acknowledge what we are receiving and express our thanks. I talk with people all the time who refuse to acknowledge what they are manifesting in their lives, and as a result they are fighting an ongoing battle with themselves. Through acknowledgment and gratitude, we gain the power to release.

Please know that each one of us is a much-loved child of the Divine. We are meant to use our Divine connection, our intuitive tools, to create lives that allow us to receive lessons and move on. Each one of us is not only worthy of love, but we are deeply, truly loved by the Divine.


Passionate about helping others connect with their natural intuitive abilities, Karen Hager leads intuitive development classes and teaches on topics that empower people to listen to their own inner guidance. Working privately with clients from all over the world, Karen connects with Source to provide compassionate, no-nonsense Spirit-led guidance for people in transition. She’s the host of the popular weekly radio show “Out of the Fog,” which reaches an international audience. Find out more about Karen and her work at http://fogcitypsychic.com.




Because Karen receives so many questions about manifesting relationships, she has created a teleclass where you can join her for compassionate teaching about attracting and deepening love!

Whether you’re in a relationship, looking for a new partner, or anywhere in between, you will find value in this class! It’s on Wednesday 2/20 at 9 pm Eastern / 6 pm Pacific.

You’ll have a chance to ask questions, and Karen will even choose a couple of people at random for on-the-spot fast-blast intuitive love readings! Each participant will receive a packet of journal pages and worksheets to help you focus and clarify your intentions, and the call will be recorded so that you can still benefit even if you can’t join in live.

Registration is only $11.11!

Get details and sign up here: http://loveofyourlifecall.com

Thank you so much, Karen, for being such a bright light in our world!

Please help spread the love about Karen by sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter! 🙂



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