Do you remember in The Secret where they talked about placing your order with the universe?

They said that when you wanted to manifest something, you put it into the universe just like you were placing an order online – you got as specific as you could, and then you released it. You let it go because you knew that it would come.

It’s like if you order a book on Amazon, you don’t sit there and refresh the screen every five seconds to make sure the order went through. And you don’t go to your mailbox twenty times a day to see if what you ordered has arrived yet. You just trust that the order has been placed, and your package will arrive when it’s supposed to.

It’s the same with placing orders with the universe – except we don’t know the timetable. 

Many of you already know this, but I’ll share it again just in case you’re just meeting me for the first time. (In which case: Hello! I’m so happy that you’re here!) Eleven years ago, I was feeling pretty alone. I was missing having a best friend who I could share all of my hopes and dreams with and also be silly with and laugh with.

I had grown apart from my childhood friendships, and I was looking for a best friend who would love me for the me that I had grown into. So I placed my order. I got on my knees and asked the universe to bring me a best friend. Two weeks later, I met Dan: my super-sweet, amazing, everything-I-have-ever-dreamed-of, love-of-my-life husband.

I should mention that we need to be very specific when we’re placing our order. I was picturing a girlfriend, but I never specified that. I was actually married at the time that I placed the order, so the last thing I was looking for was a new husband. But, after meeting Dan and recognizing him as someone that I already knew and couldn’t explain how I knew him, I knew that we were destined to be together. (I had been with my first husband since I was a teenager, and we stayed together many years longer than we should have because neither of us wanted to hurt the other by ending it. So meeting Dan also helped me have the courage to leave a relationship that definitely had run its course – not to say that it wasn’t a sad period and a difficult time in my life – divorce is never an easy decision.)

But, my point is that I placed the order and Dan appeared. Like magic. We quickly fell in love, got married, and lived in a cocoon of wedded bliss. We rearranged our lives so that we could be together all of the time – working, playing, connecting. And it was wonderful! But a part of me still longed for a girlfriend. And so I tried placing my order again.

And a few friends trickled in. But these were casual friendships – definitely not the deep soul-level friendships that I was searching for.

I wondered why it wasn’t working like it had with Dan. What was I doing differently?

At the time I wasn’t aware of this, but I now see that I still needed to get clear about the type of friendships that I wanted to bring into my life. I still needed to really hone in on what I was looking for in a friend, and also what I could bring to the friendship. And I still needed to experience a soul opening that would completely shake up my entire world and put me on a completely different vibration. This spiritual awakening happened two years ago, which helped my heart open up completely – allowing me to bring others into my life who were living in a similar way.

And once this happened, the floodgates opened! My dream came true (and then some!), and I am surrounded by so much love and warmth and appreciation and laughter and grounding and absolute friendship. And it’s not just one sweet friend who came into my life. It’s an entire tribe! My soul went overboard with this request (in a good way!), and the friends keep pouring in. My heart is fuller than it’s ever been, and I know that it will just continue to expand.

All because of a clear intention set with this loving universe. 

I want to introduce you to some of the beautiful souls who are in my tribe. Each of these sweet souls (with the exception of Dan) have come into my life in the past two years – since my spiritual awakening. This list is Part 1 – there are so many others who have touched my life and continue to show up every day with love and support. And new souls come into my life each day, too, who are definitely a part of my tribe. So there will definitely be a Part 2 soon!

I know some of them better than others. But each of these friends have helped me in their own way. They helped me wake up. They accepted me as I am and have helped me accept myself, too. They boost me up and help me soar. They inspire me every single day.

Dan and I on our 8th wedding anniversary – 6/12/12.

Dan Teck.
My one true love. My absolute best friend. My confidante. My sweet soul mate. My dear husband. My everything.

Alice Chan.
We met just over a year ago at a marketing meeting, and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our marathon phone chats are something that I always cherish and look forward to. She is simply amazing.

Linda Joy.
Linda and I clicked right from the start. We shared a soulful connection, and I immediately knew that we were going to be friends forever. She is loving, giving, supportive, and wonderful.

Dawn Abraham.
Dawn has a heart of gold. We may seem like an unlikely pair in many ways, but somehow our friendship just works. She lovingly pushes buttons that have long been needed to be pushed. And I love her for that and so much more.

Lori and I last weekend!

Lori Portka.
Lori and I connected online awhile ago and recently met in person for the first time! She was one of those souls that I knew I knew, and our meeting was definitely proof of that. We knew each other – just two old friends getting together after many years of being apart.

Alia Indrawan.
Alia and I share so much in common – sensitive spirits who are making our way through the world as best we can. She is a sweetie who, like me, lives with her heart on her sleeve. I adore her. While we haven’t met in person yet (she lives in Bali), I know that we will. Our souls met long ago.

Julia Fehrenbacher.
Julia and I just click. She is one of those people that I shied away from because I knew that we knew each other, and that is such a powerful feeling to take in. I’m so glad I got over that, because a beautiful friendship has formed! She is pure love.

Scott Armstrong.
Each time I talk to Scott, I end up feeling lighter and am ready to spread gratitude throughout the world! He has such a positive spirit, and it’s a joy to have him in my tribe.

Carrie Hensley.
Carrie and I met in Leonie Dawson’s Goddess Circle, and I felt that spark – I knew we were meant to connect. And we had an amazing, soul-sister chat that confirmed everything. Love her.

Shann Vander Leek.
Shann has such a beautiful calming presence and a loving spirit. She instantly grounds me, and I’m so grateful that she’s in my life.

Karen Hager.
Karen is so funny! She is quick and witty and loving and warm all wrapped up into one extremely gifted soul. I love everything about her.

Tamara Gerlach.
Tam is someone that I instantly connected with, and I knew that our paths crossed for a reason. She radiates love!

Shane Michael Taylor.
Shane has one of the most beautiful souls that I have ever seen. We see eye to eye on so many things. He inspires so many to live their best lives. He is a living example of someone who is doing exactly that. Plus he’s an amazing musician!

Kristine Carlson.
Kris is someone that I admire, am inspired by, and love all at the same time. She is a beautiful soul who truly walks her talk. She is pure love.

Kim and Mimi Shannon.
I met Kim and Mimi a year ago and our friendship quickly took off. While they are very different in many ways, they each have beautiful hearts and are two of the best cheerleaders that I know.

Lesley King.
I met Lesley last year and loved her quiet, calm spirit. She is wise, soulful, and just filled with such a loving energy. I am so grateful that we’re in each other’s lives.

Alex Blackwell.
Alex has taught me that it’s okay to put myself out there and live from a place of vulnerability. He shows up each day and speaks from his heart and inspires me to keep doing the same.

Leah Griffith.
Leah is a true soul sister. We have gone through the muck together and are supporting each other along the way. Aside from being such a beautiful spirit, her writing gets to me in a way that no one else’s can.

Amanda Fall.
Amanda and I were both from South Dakota (opposite sides of the state). When we first connected, I felt that spark go off and knew there was something there. We are alike in many ways, and yet she brings her own specialness to the world that only she can bring.

Tess Marshall.
I love Tess. Every time we chat, my belly hurts from laughing so hard. She is teaching me to lighten up a bit and enjoy the downtime. I love her for that (and so much more).

Barrie Davenport.
Barrie has been a friend and a mentor to me. She is so giving with her support and encouragement, and I just adore her.

Lori Deschene.
Lori has taken her painful past and created something beautiful from it. She inspires me to do the same in my own life. She is a kind soul, and I’m truly grateful for our budding friendship.

Amanda Oaks.
Amanda has a sweetness to her that I was immediately drawn to. She takes giving to the next level, and she is sensitive and so very kind.

Bernardo Mendez.
Bern inspires me to continue putting myself out there – vulnerabilities and all. He sets such a beautiful example of someone who lives from his heart, and I love that about him.

My tribe means the world to me. And I think it would be so much fun to plan a soul-family reunion! I’m working on it now… 🙂

If you are wanting to call in your own tribe, I definitely would recommend it. My entire life has changed because I set my intention, got super clear on the types of friends that I was looking for, and I opened up to receiving them. And I have a feeling that yours will, too.

It’s a beautiful thing to be surrounded by an endless stream of love and support. I can only hope that I give each of these sweet souls as much as they give to me every single day.

P.S. – Just 3 weeks until the Coming Back to Life Ecourse begins! I added a new bonus gift, so you’ll now instantly receive over $175 in bonus gifts when you sign up! Two new contributors signed on, too: Amanda from and Lori from! Two amazing souls (as you saw above)! I hope you’ll join us, too!

More about the course:

The Coming Back to Life Ecourse is a 6-week journey that begins on 10/1. It is a helping hand, a set of tools, and a community all wrapped up into one loving course to support you when you are feeling numb and unsure of which way to go.

It’s packed with TONS of goodies to help you reconnect and feel alive again – including a 150-page soulful workbook, over 35 contributors, 9 heartfelt guided meditations, over 30 videos, soul artwork, a private Facebook page, and weekly chat sessions!

We all have a light inside of us that shines so brightly, and this beautiful ecourse will help you remove some of the veils that have been covering your light. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to shine? To live fully? To feel completely alive? Isn’t it time for each of us to allow ourselves to have that?

If your Soul is jumping up and down saying YES, YES, YES…

Then, please join us and register here:

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