Have you ever written something that just flowed out of you?

Have you ever read one of your own pieces and wondered how the heck that came out of you?

Have you ever looked at your own writing and thought, “Yes. This is who I am – this is what I’m all about. This is my true essence. This is what I want to share.”

I love that feeling. If you’ve ever experienced it, you know that it’s a beautiful gift. You feel it when you’re writing – you start typing faster, and everything begins to flow. You’re tapped into the universal energy, and you can hardly keep up (in a good way).

I am a bit addicted to this feeling of writing from the soul and connecting with something much bigger than myself. I asked some of my blogging friends if they have ever experienced this in their own writing, and they all had! They each shared one of their own posts where everything flowed – the post that expressed their essence.

I’m so excited to share my own inspired post and theirs below. (I hope you will share yours, too!)

Jodi Chapman – Soul Speak

Are You In?

This post was my declaration that I was no longer willing to live in fear. I was no longer okay with living half way. I was ready to leap into my dreams! It’s amazing how powerful it still feels for me. I am so grateful that so many of you are in, too!

Melody Fletcher – Deliberate Receiving

The Secret Behind β€œThe Secret” – How We Manifest Reality

This post was the result of a major epiphany – one of those life changing moments. Normally, I take time to process any new insights before I write about them, but this post wouldn’t wait. The information wanted to come out and it wouldn’t leave me alone. I literally could think of nothing else. When I sat down to draft the article, it felt more like it was writing itself. I was simply the conduit. I generally only write when I’m inspired and flowing, but this was an extraordinary experience.

Tess Marshall – The Bold Life

A Gift In Goodbye: A Legacy of Love

This post helped me process my grief after my mom transitioned at 90 years old. It’s inspiring because every word is filled with loving energy.

Victor Schueller

Life lessons I hope to Teach My Daughters – Part 1

Many parents have major concerns about making sure their children are taken care of or able to support themselves if or when they are no longer around. Β Most of the time, these concerns revolve around finances. Β While my wife and I wish to make sure my children are financially secure, we also want to provide social and emotional security as well. Β I came up with this list of “life lessons,” so that my girls will have something “saved up” for those difficult social situations that they will face down the road.

Paige Burkes – Simple Mindfulness

The Unschooling Revolution: Taking Education Into Our Own Hands

This post flowed out of me in a different way than just about anything else I’ve written so far.Β  Reflecting on why, I think there are two reasons.Β  The first is that it’s about my children and what I want for them in their lives.Β  I’m crazy passionate about allowing them to be Who They Are without a school system or anyone else telling them who or what they should be.Β  The second reason is to provide an example to others showing that we don’t have to blindly follow paths that others dictate for us (something else I’m very passionate about).Β  There are options in every facet of life if we open our eyes to them.Β  By opening the door for others to see and possibly choose a different path, I hope that I can help others be comfortable with their personal choices and find a bit more happiness in their lives.

Nea Joy – Self Improvement Saga

Inspirational Thoughts: Inner Peace Is Your Ticket to Paradise

I write from my heart–the loving place within me that longs to see less fear and more smiles, less pain and more joy. The thought of helping someone in some small way is more than enough to inspire me to inspire others.

Arvind Devalia – Make It Happen

Feel the Fear and Change the World Anyway

This article just flowed and I wrote it about an hour. It encapsulates all that I am about and much more. This is my key message to the world and one of my favorite posts.

Cathy Hull – Treatment Talk

Are You Ready for Detachment?

This post speaks to the essence of the thought behind my blog. When our children abuse drugs or alcohol, parents can be mystified as to how to help, if they are enabling and when to detach. The chaos of addiction can cause havoc on the health of the family. Detachment means to understand the boundary between ourselves and others, and to let our adult children take responsibility for their lives.

Angela Artemis – Powered by Intuition

How to Overcome Fear and Live Up to Your Greatness!

This post flowed because I needed to hear what I was writing! Sometimes I need inspiration, motivation and guidance and to take my own advice.

Betsy Henry – Zen Mama

Life is Fragile

This is a post I wrote about all the people around me who all have a hard battle to fight because of death, cancer, and financial problems.

Now it’s your turn!

Have you experienced this flow in your own writing where you felt like all of the stars aligned and you tapped into something amazing?

Would you like to share it? If you’re a blogger, please share the link below! If you don’t have a blog but still want to share, you can post your piece in the comments section. Be sure to say why you chose the piece, too.

By the way, you don’t have to be a professional writer to write a piece of inspired writing.

If you can’t think of anything that you’ve written, maybe it’s still inside of you just waiting to come out. If so, take some time soon to sit with your soul – that deepest, wisest part of you – and be still for a moment. Sit down at the computer and start writing. You could have a topic already in mind, or you can just see what comes out. It’s completely up to you!

Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t flow right away. But please keep at it. Eventually, you’ll find a gem that feels like a piece of you. You’ll know it when you’re writing it. You’ll begin to type faster. You’ll be completely in the zone that you will be oblivious to everything around you. You’ll feel it.

Have fun with writing from an inspired place! It’s a gift that we all have, and it’s so wonderful when we can tap into it.



P.S. – Our Month of Meditation is off to a great start! Over 50 of you have joined us and committed to giving yourselves the gift of stillness every day this month! It’s not too late to join! Please click here for the details. πŸ™‚

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