If you were standing on a podium in front of the entire world, what would you say?

What wisdom would you offer?
What heartfelt story would you share?
What piece of yourself would you give?
And how would you hope it would make a difference?

I recently asked this question on Soul Speak’s Facebook page and received some beautiful answers. It’s such a powerful question that really makes us think about what we see as important in life. It can even bring up all kinds of limiting beliefs about ourselves: “What could I possibly share with the world? Why would anyone listen to me, anyway?”

But here is what I know to be true: We all have a message. We all have something to share. We all have an inner wisdom that will always find the right words at the right time. Our souls always know exactly what to say, and when we take a moment to slow down and listen to this part of ourselves, the answers always come.

Here is the answer that came to me:

I would ask the world to stop – just for a moment – and listen from their hearts instead of their heads. I would ask everyone to imagine that the person standing next to them was a family member or best friend. I would ask them to love them as though they already knew them. And then I would ask them to take that feeling of love and spread it even farther – to the next person and then the next. I would ask them to see their love energy coming out of their own heart and flowing across the room, the city, the country, the planet, and eventually, the world. I would ask them to feel how wonderful this feels – both to put this love out into the world and also to receive this love back from everyone around them who was also participating in this exercise.

I believe that we are all made of divine love. And I believe that where love exists, fear and hate cannot. When we love, we are in the natural flow of the universe. We can never empty ourselves of love. We can never give too much of it away – there is an infinite supply. Just imagine how amazing our world would be if we all took a moment to feel this love, put out this love, and receive this love.

Here are the heartfelt responses from a few members of the Soul Speak community:

If I were before a group of people I know exactly what I’d say. I’d want to tell them how different life can be if just a small part of it were dedicated to something they love to do.

I would tell them that I had worked trying to make a perfect house and family to the point of exhaustion. That I thought by sacrificing any and ALL of my wants and needs to meet other’s wants and needs that that would make them happy…only it didn’t.

I would tell them that I believe that all the chronic autoimmune illnesses and other health issues stem from problems just like this. I would tell them that it’s as if our poor body wants us to pay attention and is almost rebelling against us for denying what it really has wanted us to do for so very long.

I would share how I had gotten to the point of knowing that everything I was and had needed to change. I would share that we don’t have to move mountains to make this change – just our priorities. We have to make ourselves a priority. And doing something you love to do everyday is a good way to do that. I would tell that doing that changed everything for me. – Kelly Wilson

If I were lucky enough to directly impact the entire world, this is what I would share:

Remember who you are.  Underneath the layers of parent, spouse, partner, sibling, child, friend, colleague, employee, employer and so on, there is a YOU that exists independently from any role or obligation.  It is that part of you that is Divine, Eternal and All-Knowing.  Spend time with that part of you.  Get quiet and listen to It, for It will guide you in your mission on this planet.

We all came to this planet with some mighty powerful qualities and talents that are meant to serve others and bring immeasurable joy.  You know that buzzing feeling you get when you’ve shared an idea, a piece of art, a solution to a problem…or when you’ve given an empathetic hug, squeezed a hand in understanding, and really connected with another human being?  Those are the world-changing moments in which we thrive.  So don’t forget to create those moments.

I learned that, by stuffing my art-loving, humanitarian, writer-Self into a box labelled “childish pastimes,” I became a sad and angry person.  My Joy was missing.  I was blessed with people in my life who loved me and whom I loved – like my beautiful baby girl – my first born – but that underlying pulse that was ME was weak or often absent.

Then one day, I remembered that I loved to write.  I remembered I loved to dream.  I remembered I loved to help people and that at one time, I had high hopes of making a difference in the world.  I remembered ME. 

I hope that every person reading this knows that no matter how buried your dreams or passions are, they have not disappeared.  Life contains many Joys and they are ours for the taking and giving.  Engaging in an activity that makes you happy on a soul level, even for a short period of time each day does wonders for your mental and physical health. Take the time to listen and remember. And then release your beautiful Self into the world.
Taslim Jaffer

I would proclaim to the world and its entire people that this, right here, right now is all we have. The current, the now, the present.

I would say that only through acceptance and love will we find the peace, contentment, and happiness that we so long for. All of the pain, suffering and negativity that runs throughout our home can be dispelled through a common consciousness that can only be found through the spirit, the soul that lies within each of us.

That we as a people, the people of earth, one race, one species can bring about a profound change within not only ourselves but each other by realizing that though cultures may differ, on the deepest levels of understanding regardless of our beliefs we are ultimately the same. That though we may disagree, by allowing each of us to live in peace by accepting and embracing our differences and even learning from them; the fighting, the suffering and the pain that many experience can and will disappear as if it had never existed.

It is our divine right as citizens of this planet that we embrace and enjoy ourselves and each other. That we Love as long as we live and Laugh as often as we breathe. Let us stand together tall and strong and feel our spirit grow as one until we glow as brightly as the sun in our divinity.– Cindi Hansford

Now it’s your turn: What would YOU share with the world?

Leave a comment below letting all of us know what piece of wisdom you would offer to the world!

Not sure what to say?

Get out a piece of paper and a pen (or open a Word file on your computer). Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. And then ask yourself what your soul would most want the world to know – to hear. And then start writing. Don’t censor yourself. Just write. The answers will come. They may surprise you, or they may be words that you already knew. Just keep writing. The messages from your soul are unique to only you. This is your message. This is what you are meant to share with the world.

Once you have written down your message, please come back here and share with with all of us. Soul Speak’s readers are all over the world – so you will be sharing it with the world! Isn’t it time that your voice was heard? Isn’t it time for your message to reach far and wide? Isn’t it time that you let your soul speak out? Yes, I believe it is.

I can’t wait to hear the beautiful words you are about to share with all of us.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter (buttons below)! Let’s keep the conversation flowing!

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