A beautiful book and an interview! Keep reading for details!

I write a lot about change. As many of you know, I’ve been going through a huge transition in my life over the past year. I took a leap of faith to focus my attention on writing rather than running my gift business. And what I have found throughout this journey is that when we take that leap and move closer to our dreams, our lives open up.

That doesn’t mean that it’s been an easy transition. All sorts of hidden beliefs are surfacing, actually. And when they do, I try to stop and take a moment to examine them, learn from them, and then keep moving forward.

At any point along this journey, I could’ve stopped. I could have said that it was all too much. That this new life wasn’t what I thought it would be. That my old ways were more comfortable, safe, and secure. And these would all have been true statements. But then I remember that because I said yes to change, I am getting closer to my dreams. And so I keep at it.

My friend, Alex Blackwell, has been on this journey with me. Alex has inspired so many with his authentic writing on The Bridgemaker. He has such a brilliant gift of being vulnerable and strong at the same time. He writes from his heart, and we all feel his love in every word.

He, too, has said yes to change. He, too, knows what it’s like to live a life that isn’t fully being lived. He, too, knows that when we step into our lives fully and completely, we allow magic to happen. He, too, knows how powerful we all truly are – and when we recognize this and accept and love ourselves, true, lasting change can occur.

He just came out with a book for anyone who is ready to create positive change in their life but maybe aren’t sure where to begin. It’s called, Saying Yes to Change: 10 Timeless Life Lessons for Creating Positive Change. It’s a beautifully written book that contains practical steps for making lasting change. (Click here to read more about it.)

I recently sat down to chat with Alex, and I’m so excited to share his responses below! 


You talk about the importance of taking personal responsibility for our lives. I agree that we have to decide first of all that we want to change, and then we have to actually change. Why do you think so many of us resist change?

I think the main reason we resist change is because it’s uncomfortable. Sometimes we stick with what we know – even when we know it’s is not good for us – because the thought of doing something different can be scary.

Consider people who drink too much or may be in abusive relationships: they stay right where they are because it’s what they know. That’s why I think taking the first step to positive change can be one of the most courageous things we ever do in our life.

What advice could you offer someone who truly wants to change a part of their life, but feels stuck in the same old patterns and can’t seem to break out of them?

Two things come to mind, Jodi. The first thing is to acknowledge our reality. I believe to change or heal, we must first acknowledge what’s keeping us stuck. The second action is to take baby steps. Significant change doesn’t happen suddenly; it happens when we do one small action after another until we start moving away from those old patterns.

You offer 10 timeless life lessons for creating positive change. Which of these has been the most influential in your own life?

The two lessons that have brought the most change for me are Lesson Four: Recognize Your Beauty (accept and love your true self) and Lesson Nine: Take Down the White Flag (find the courage to overcome barriers).

You write about your decision many years ago to dramatically change your own life – to spend more time with your family, to be emotionally awake, and to begin to love yourself. How has your life changed because of this conscious choice?

My life is simpler, happier, and I feel more at peace. There seems to be balance now. The problems don’t seem as large as they once did. Perhaps more important, I don’t think I would have started my blog or written Saying Yes to Change: 10 Timeless Life Lessons for Creating Positive Change.

Your dramatic change occurred after attending an intensive weekend seminar, which caused you to open up and face all of the pain that you had suffered throughout your life. Do you think you would’ve been able to have such a lasting change without this intense experience?

The seminar was a wonderful kick start. Before BreakThrough (a spiritual and personal transformation seminar), I felt stuck. The seminar gave me the tools to take a closer look at what my withdrawal was costing me, and then it provided a roadmap to go from where I was to the place I wanted to be – back with my wife and children.

You write about your struggle with low self esteem throughout your life. I think we have all felt unworthy or not good enough at some point in our lives. If you could offer one way for each of us to love ourselves just a little more, what would it be?

I think it begins with loving the little boy or girl inside of us first. For some of us, our sense of feeling unloved can be traced to our childhood. Because I grew up with an alcoholic parent, the little Alex inside of me never felt loved. Since he didn’t receive the love he deserved, I have imagined holding that little boy in my lap and telling him how special he is and how he is worthy to be loved. Today, I do feel loved.

Sometimes we are afraid to change because we aren’t sure what’s on the other side of it. Why is it so important that we surrender to something bigger than ourselves and take that leap of faith?

We were made with a purpose in mind. When we surrender to the plan our creator has in mind, then wonderful things will begin showing up in our lives. Yes, it takes faith to do this, but when we learn to walk by faith and not by sight, the journey is always a little shorter.

What is the one piece of wisdom from your book that you hope everyone will carry with them after reading it?

Creating positive change begins with discovering one powerful truth: You cannot change or heal what you do not acknowledge.

You are someone who inspires so many with your heartfelt words. Who inspires you?

Thank you for the compliment, Jodi. It’s good to know my words do make a difference.

When I see people living their passion, I feel inspired. It takes courage to walk away from what’s comfortable. I’m still learning how to do this, but when I see someone who has, I get so inspired!

If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?

My wish would be that my children have wonderful, meaningful lives.


Thank you, Alex. 🙂

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