I love the newness and possibilities that are inside each of us during this time of year. We get a fresh slate, and we get to map out the next 12 months. We get to dream and plan and imagine and envision. Nothing is impossible. No dream is too big. Isn’t that an amazing feeling?
But while I love this openness and freeing feeling that this newness and possibility brings, I have noticed that there is also an unsettled feeling inside of me. Venturing into the unknown can be scary. Stepping into my dreams requires a leap that might require jumping before I know where I will land. Remembering that I must let go of the good to make room for the great (wise words from my mentor, Steve Harrison) is both exciting and terrifying.

One minute I want to write down all of my dreams and jump into them at full speed. The next I want to crawl back into my comfort zone and stay there forever. It’s not so bad here, I say to myself. And yet, my soul is pleading with me to keep moving forward – to leave the known. It knows that so many beautiful things await me, and I just need to be brave enough to keep moving toward them.

I find it wonderful that the universe always provides us with exactly what we need exactly when we need it. I came across these quotes today on Facebook – each of which was just what I needed to hear:

The person you were always meant to become is waiting for you just on the other side of the things you fear. -Rev. Tom Wright

Being afraid does not necessarily make one weak. However, what we do with that fear demonstrates either strength or weakness. When the call comes, will you answer it, or will you hang up? That is the question! – David Roppo

So, now we get to ask ourselves what kind of a year is this going to be? Are we going to become who we know we are meant to become, which may require being uncomfortable, vulnerable, and afraid? Or are we going to stay safe and continue living in a life that isn’t so bad but also isn’t great – a life where our soul lies dormant, on a low simmer?

I want to live a life where my soul gets to soar! I want to live a life where my dream life and my actual life are one in the same! I want to push past all of these fears, recognizing that this safety net my ego has created for me is no longer needed. I know that I am always taken care of – this magical and amazing universe always has my back.

I am realizing that this unsettled feeling isn’t a bad thing. It means that I am moving into the unknown – moving closer to my dreams – moving into who I am meant to be.

So if you are feeling this, too – butterflies in your stomach, shakiness that runs throughout your entire body, shortness of breath when you imagine leaping into this new year – take a moment and recognize that this is a good thing! This means that you are growing and alive and getting ready to do something amazing. You are on the edge of your life looking out at the possibility. And you are stepping out into the unknown. You are taking your leap of faith, knowing that your soul and the universe will always catch you.

And that is a beautiful way to start a new year – a new life – a new you.

P.S. – I’m so excited for everyone who has joined me in 21 Days of No Complaining! Please click here to post how it’s going for you and read how it’s been for me. Let’s support each other in creating a more positive life!

P.P.S. – Our Commitment Book is a wonderful tool to ring in the new year! And it’s 20% off! It helps you set goals and keep your word to yourself!

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