It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.

Okay – now for today’s post:

Before I went to sleep last night, I said to Dan that I wished it would rain. While it may seem that Oregon and rain go hand in hand, where we live in the southern part of the state about half of the year is sunny and beautiful – and rain is rare. I like a break in the weather though – I like change. And I love the smell of rain and the renewal that comes from it. Have you ever noticed after a good rain shower how everything looks brighter and more vibrant? Have you ever seen how happy the birds are – taking baths in the puddles and chirping just a bit more excitedly than before? And while I had checked the weather report, and rain wasn’t in the forecast – I was still dreaming out loud that it would be nice.

Guess what happened? I woke up this morning to a completely overcast day and soaked grass! It rained here! And there is a chance for more rain later on this afternoon. And sure enough, the air feels fuller, the grass is greener, the birds are happy, and so am I.

So today I am grateful for everyday miracles – answers to our wishes, our prayers, and our dreams.

These miracles – tiny acts of grace – are occurring around us all of the time, and it’s up to us to look for them, recognize them, and embrace them.

Think of your own life – what are some everyday miracles that you have experienced?

Are your kids getting along better today for no apparent reason? Did you realize that you forgot to buy milk at the grocery store and lucked out by having just enough to put in your cereal this morning? Did you wake up without needing the alarm – feeling resting and rejuvenated? Did you receive great news about a project you’ve been working on moving forward? Did your favorite song come on exactly when you needed to hear it? Did your partner write you a sweet note and put it on your pillow? Did you find time during your busy day to do something just for you? Did you ask for divine guidance and immediately hear an answer?

Spend some time today being open to experiencing these everyday miracles. I promise they are occurring all of the time – all around us – to each of us. All we need to do is open our eyes and hearts and be grateful for these blessings.


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